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U.S.G. Scan



What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live images from the inside of your body. It's also known as sonography.
The technology is similar to that used by sonar and radar, which help the military detect planes and ships. An ultrasound allows your doctor to see problems with organs, vessels, and tissues without needing to make an incision.
Unlike other imaging techniques, ultrasound uses no radiation. For this reason, it's the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy.

Why an ultrasound is performed

Most people associate ultrasound scans with pregnancy. These scans can provide an expectant mother with the first view of her unborn child. However, the test has many other uses.
Your doctor may order an ultrasound if you're having pain, swelling, or other symptoms that require an internal view of your organs. An ultrasound can provide a view of the:

  • • bladder
  • • brain (in infants)
  • • eyes
  • • gallbladder
  • • kidneys
  • • liver
  • • ovaries
  • • pancreas
  • • spleen
  • • thyroid
  • • testicles
  • • uterus
  • • blood vessels

An ultrasound is also a helpful way to guide surgeons' movements during certain medical procedures, such as biopsies.

How to prepare for an ultrasound

The steps you will take to prepare for an ultrasound will depend on the area or organ that is being examined.
Your doctor may tell you to fast for eight to 12 hours before your ultrasound, especially if your abdomen is being examined. Undigested food can block the sound waves, making it difficult for the technician to get a clear picture.

How an ultrasound is performed

Before the exam, you will change into a hospital gown. You will most likely be lying down on a table with a section of your body exposed for the test.

Saradha Scan center is a Radiological imaging centre in the Gingee. This scans centre provides a complete range of high quality health care investigation services under one roof.